The Untold Truth Of Luke Bracey

With his skillset and energy on screen, it's arguably surprising that Luke Bracey did not always dream of becoming an actor. The Australian native originally wanted to be a professional rugby player and went to Scots College for construction as something to fall back on, as he told The Daily Telegraph (via the Daily Mail).

When attending university, he was randomly asked to audition for Home and Away. "I had no idea what I was doing; I just tried to sound like a human being. Unbelievably, I got the job and then I ended up being on the show for about six months," he told Interview magazine in 2014. "It wasn't until my third or fourth day of work that I realized, 'I'm getting paid for this!' It was awesome."

After he landed his first acting job, Bracey was sold. But as for his family? "They were a little apprehensive at first. No one in our family had ever done anything like that before, so they were worried," he admitted. In the end, though, his family said to "go for it," as long as he enjoyed the new path. Throughout the next decade, the star's career steadily continued to rise.
