Jillian Slatas Obituary, 2017, Who Is Jillian Slatas Boyfriend Anthony Varela?


Jillian Slatas Obituary, Death – In moments of joy and sorrow, we stood united, but today, you embark on a journey without me. Although separated for now, I find solace in the belief that our paths will converge again in the afterlife. May God envelop you in tranquility in the realms beyond.

The void left by your departure is irreparable. Your presence was an integral thread in the tapestry of my life, now absent. I beseech the Almighty for peace for your departed soul, a soul that contributed profoundly to my world. Your life was a testament to diligence and integrity, earning you well-deserved accolades.

As you rest now, I trust that God reserves a special place for someone who walked the path of virtue and achievement. With tearful goodbyes, I release you from this earthly realm. Until we reunite in the celestial expanse, dear companion, find serenity in the embrace of heaven. Your legacy lives on in the memories we shared, and your spirit will forever be a guiding light.

