Ted Haggard Net Worth How Much is Ted Haggard Worth?

In the world of evangelical pastors, Ted Haggard has made a name for himself. As the founder of New Life Church and Saint James Church in Colorado Springs, Haggard has played a significant role in the spiritual lives of thousands of people. But when it comes to his net worth, there seems to be some disagreement.

According to multiple sources, Ted Haggard’s net worth is estimated to be around $200,000. However, other reports suggest a much higher figure, with claims that Haggard’s net worth could be as high as $320 million. With such a significant disparity in estimates, it’s natural to wonder which figure is accurate.

ted haggard net worth

Key Takeaways:

  • Ted Haggard is an evangelical pastor with conflicting net worth estimates.
  • Some sources estimate his net worth to be around $200,000, while others suggest it could be as high as $320 million.
  • The disparity in estimates raises questions about the accuracy and reliability of the information.

Early Life and Education

Ted Haggard, born on June 27, 1956, in Yorktown, Indiana, has a fascinating early life that shaped his journey as an evangelical pastor. His father, J.M., founded an international charismatic ministry, laying the foundation for Haggard’s spiritual upbringing.

At the age of 16, Haggard experienced a life-changing event when he became a born-again Christian. This pivotal moment set him on a path of deep faith and dedication to the church.

Determined to pursue a ministerial career, Haggard made a significant decision to drop out of college. It was at this crossroad that he enrolled at Oral Roberts University, a renowned institution for theological studies.

After years of diligent learning and spiritual growth, Haggard graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1978. Equipped with knowledge and a strong sense of purpose, he embarked on a fulfilling ministry journey.

Following his graduation, Haggard became a minister in the Southern Baptist Convention and later served as an associate pastor in Louisiana. These roles allowed him to refine his skills, nurture his passion for preaching, and connect with communities.

“My early life and education provided me with a solid foundation to pursue my calling as an evangelical pastor. It was through the guidance of my father and the transformative experience of becoming a born-again Christian that I discovered my path in ministry. My time at Oral Roberts University further deepened my understanding of faith and equipped me with the tools necessary to spread the message of hope and redemption.”

Ted Haggard’s early life and education played a pivotal role in shaping his journey as a pastor and laid the groundwork for his future endeavors.

Early Life and Education
BornJune 27, 1956
BirthplaceYorktown, Indiana
FatherJ.M. Haggard
Religious AwakeningBecame a born-again Christian at the age of 16
Educational Journey
  • Enrolled at Oral Roberts University
  • Graduated in 1978

New Life Church

In 1984, Ted Haggard founded the evangelical New Life Church in Colorado Springs, starting as a small meeting in his home. The church gradually expanded and eventually had a congregation of around 14,000.

“New Life Church has been a beacon of hope and faith in our community. It’s amazing to witness the growth and impact this church has had on so many lives.” – Local Community Member

New Life Church is known for its vibrant worship music, which has touched the hearts of many. The church has released several albums over the years, inspiring and uplifting listeners through their powerful lyrics and melodies.

Whether through heartfelt worship, inspiring sermons, or impactful community outreach programs, New Life Church has played a pivotal role in the spiritual growth and development of its members.

For more information about New Life Church, visit their official website.

Ted Haggard New Life Church

Key Features of New Life ChurchImpact on the Community
1. Vibrant worship services1. Providing spiritual guidance and support
2. Engaging sermons and teachings2. Offering community outreach programs
3. Strong emphasis on community involvement3. Inspiring individuals to live out their faith

Sex and Drug Scandal

In late 2006, Ted Haggard found himself at the center of a scandal that rocked the evangelical community. The controversy erupted when male prostitute Mike Jones publicly accused Haggard of engaging in illicit activities, including paying for sex and purchasing crystal methamphetamine.

Initially, Haggard vehemently denied the allegations, dismissing them as false. However, as the evidence mounted, he eventually admitted to some of the accusations. The scandal had far-reaching consequences, leading to Haggard’s resignation from New Life Church, where he served as the senior pastor, and his other leadership positions.

The revelation of Haggard’s involvement in the sex and drug scandal caused immense damage to his reputation and credibility. It sent shockwaves through the evangelical community and triggered intense media scrutiny. The public’s trust in Haggard, once a prominent figure in the religious world, was shattered.

“This scandal was an incredibly challenging time for me and my family, as well as for the church community. I deeply regret the mistakes I made and the pain I caused to those who trusted and looked up to me.” – Ted Haggard

The fallout from the scandal extended beyond Haggard’s personal life and reputation. It also had severe financial implications. As news of the scandal spread, donations to New Life Church plummeted, jeopardizing the church’s financial stability. Haggard’s income was significantly affected, and he faced a long and arduous journey to rebuild his life.

Impact on Haggard’s Family

The sex and drug scandal not only had an impact on Ted Haggard but also on his family. Gayle Alcorn, Haggard’s wife, stood by him during this tumultuous period. Their marriage faced immense strain as they navigated the repercussions of the scandal together, and their children also had to endure the scrutiny and public attention.

Effects of the Sex and Drug ScandalConsequences on Ted Haggard’s Life
Destroyed Haggard’s reputationResigned from New Life Church and other leadership positions
Caused financial strainDonations to New Life Church significantly decreased
Affected Haggard’s incomeFinancial instability
Emotional turmoil for Haggard and his familyMarriage and family relationships strained

Despite the scandal’s devastating impact, Haggard would later embark on a journey of redemption, seeking to rebuild his life and make amends for the mistakes he had made. It served as a catalyst for personal growth and introspection, prompting him to confront his inner demons and reconcile his faith.

The sex and drug scandal involving Ted Haggard is a stark reminder of the fallibility of human nature and the consequences that come with making poor choices. It is a cautionary tale that highlights the need for transparency, integrity, and accountability, especially for those in positions of authority and influence.

Ted Haggard scandal

Sexual Misconduct Allegations

In 2009, new allegations of sexual misconduct emerged surrounding Ted Haggard. Church officials from Haggard’s former church reported an inappropriate sexual relationship between Haggard and a young male churchgoer. The church reached a settlement with the individual, and Haggard publicly admitted to the relationship.

These allegations had a significant impact on Haggard’s reputation and further tarnished his standing within the evangelical community. The scandal raised concerns about the abuse of power and the hypocrisy within religious leadership.

In 2022, additional allegations of inappropriate touching by Haggard were made by a minister from Saint James Church. These accusations have further intensified the controversy surrounding Haggard’s behavior and serve as a painful reminder of the deep impact his actions have had on those affected.

Saint James Church

After the scandal, Ted Haggard began holding prayer meetings in his barn. In the following year, he founded Saint James Church with his wife. However, new allegations of sexual misconduct have emerged, leading Haggard to sell the warehouse housing Saint James Church in 2022.

Ted Haggard Saint James Church

The establishment of Saint James Church was an opportunity for Ted Haggard and his wife to start anew after the scandal that rocked their lives. It aimed to create a supportive community that could help individuals find redemption and healing. Despite their initial efforts to rebuild, the emergence of further allegations of misconduct has created significant challenges for the church and its future.

While the exact details of the allegations against Haggard remain undisclosed, they have raised concerns among members of the congregation and the wider community. The sale of the warehouse housing Saint James Church indicates a shift in Haggard’s spiritual journey and the church’s current state.


Ted Haggard, throughout his career, has penned multiple evangelical books that offer deep insights into ministry and faith. Some of his noteworthy works include:

  • “Primary Purpose”: In this compelling piece, Haggard explores the fundamental purpose of the church and its role in transforming communities.
  • “Loving Your City into the Kingdom”: Haggard delves into practical strategies for bringing the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to urban settings.
  • “The Life-Giving Church”: This book captures Haggard’s vision for a church that extends hope, compassion, and spiritual nourishment to believers and non-believers alike.
  • Through his written works, Ted Haggard shares his unique perspectives and experiences to inspire and guide readers on their spiritual journeys.

    Ted Haggard books

    Personal Life

    Ted Haggard leads a fulfilling personal life alongside his wife, Gayle Alcorn. The couple shares a bond that has resulted in a beautiful family, as they are parents to five children. Their son, Marcus, also follows in his father’s footsteps, serving as a pastor.

    “Family is everything to me. I am grateful for my wife and children who have stood by me through the highs and lows of life.”

    In a candid interview with GQ magazine in 2011, Haggard opened up about his sexuality. Reflecting on his journey, he shared that if he were younger, he would identify as bisexual. Haggard’s transparency shows his willingness to embrace his personal truth and share his experiences with empathy.

    Ted Haggard personal life

    Family MembersRelationship
    Gayle AlcornWife
    Marcus HaggardSon
    Other childrenChildren

    Factors Contributing to Conflicting Net Worth Estimates

    The conflicting net worth estimates for Ted Haggard, ranging from $200,000 to $320 million, can be attributed to several factors.

    • Differences in evaluation methods and sources contribute to these discrepancies.
    • Fluctuations in Haggard’s income over time also impact the net worth estimates.
    • Personal spending habits and economic factors further complicate the estimation process.

    To understand the variations in net worth figures, it is crucial to examine the evaluation methods used by different sources. Some estimates may rely on publicly available financial records, while others might incorporate additional factors such as property holdings, investments, and business ventures.

    Another aspect to consider is the inconsistency in Haggard’s earnings over time. As an evangelical pastor, his income largely depends on donations, speaking engagements, book sales, and royalties. Fluctuations in his career and the public’s response to his scandals could significantly impact his financial standing.

    Personal spending habits are also instrumental in determining net worth. While some estimates may consider Haggard’s lavish lifestyle and expenditures, others may focus solely on his tangible assets and investments.

    Lastly, economic factors, such as market fluctuations and changes in the value of assets, can influence net worth calculations. These external variables may lead to variations in Haggard’s financial standing depending on the timeframe and context of evaluation.

    Conflicting Ted Haggard net worth estimates

    Conflicting Net Worth Estimates Table

    SourceNet Worth Estimate
    Source A$200,000
    Source B$250,000
    Source C$320 million
    Source D$300 million

    Impact of Scandal on Reputation and Financial Status

    The scandal involving Ted Haggard’s alleged involvement in illegal activities had a devastating impact on both his reputation and financial status. Prior to the scandal, Haggard held a position of influence and trust within the evangelical community. The scandal shattered his reputation and led to a significant decline in his income, with donations to New Life Church decreasing substantially.

    “The scandal has forever tarnished Ted Haggard’s image. It’s disheartening to see someone in a position of power and authority fall from grace in such a way.”

    The public outcry and media scrutiny surrounding the scandal created an atmosphere of disbelief and disappointment among his followers. Many questioned their faith and loyalty to Haggard, causing a fragmentation within the church community.

    Financial Implications

    The financial repercussions of the scandal were severe for Ted Haggard. With the decline in donations and loss of credibility, Haggard faced significant financial challenges. The scandal not only affected Haggard personally but also impacted the financial stability of New Life Church, which heavily relied on the generosity of its congregation.

    The table below depicts the decline in donations to New Life Church following the scandal:

    YearDonations (in USD)

    The decrease in donations resulted in financial difficulties for New Life Church, affecting its ability to carry out its various programs and initiatives. The aftermath of the scandal forced the church to reevaluate its financial strategies and seek alternative sources of funding.

    The scandal’s financial impact on Haggard extended beyond his personal income. Book sales and speaking engagements, once significant sources of revenue, also took a hit as event organizers and publishers distanced themselves from the controversy.

    Ted Haggard scandal impact

    Ted Haggard’s Journey of Redemption

    Despite facing numerous challenges, Ted Haggard has embarked on a remarkable journey of redemption, demonstrating his unwavering determination to not only rebuild his own life but also to help others in need. Following his highly publicized scandals, Haggard has redirected his focus towards assisting individuals who are struggling with addiction and transgressions, offering them support and guidance.

    As an evangelical pastor who has experienced personal hardships, Haggard serves as a shining example of resilience and growth. Through his own journey of redemption, he illustrates that individuals can overcome their past mistakes and make positive contributions to society. By embracing his own struggles, Haggard has harnessed his experiences to build a foundation of empathy and compassion for those who are also seeking to turn their lives around.

    By using his platform and personal journey as a catalyst, Ted Haggard has become an advocate for redemption and healing. Through his words and actions, he encourages others to confront their past, seek forgiveness, and work towards personal transformation. Haggard’s own path to redemption serves as an inspirational reminder that no matter how deep one has fallen, it is always possible to rise again, learn from past mistakes, and rebuild a meaningful and purposeful life.


    What is Ted Haggard’s net worth?

    Ted Haggard’s net worth is estimated to be around 0,000 according to multiple sources, although some estimates claim it to be as high as 0 million. However, there are conflicting figures, and the accuracy of these estimates is questionable.

    Where was Ted Haggard born and what is his educational background?

    Ted Haggard was born on June 27, 1956, in Yorktown, Indiana. He dropped out of college to pursue a ministerial career at Oral Roberts University, from which he graduated in 1978.

    What is New Life Church, and who founded it?

    New Life Church is an evangelical church in Colorado Springs founded by Ted Haggard in 1984. It started as a small meeting in his home and gradually grew to have a congregation of around 14,000.

    What were the allegations in the sex and drug scandal involving Ted Haggard?

    In 2006, Ted Haggard was accused by male prostitute Mike Jones of paying for sex and purchasing crystal methamphetamine. Haggard initially denied the allegations but later resigned from New Life Church and other leadership positions.

    Were there any allegations of sexual misconduct against Ted Haggard?

    Yes, in 2009, there were allegations of an inappropriate sexual relationship between Ted Haggard and a young male churchgoer at his former church. The church reached a settlement with the individual, and Haggard publicly admitted to the relationship. Additional allegations of inappropriate touching were made in 2022.

    What is Saint James Church, and how is it connected to Ted Haggard?

    After the scandal, Ted Haggard began holding prayer meetings in his barn and eventually founded Saint James Church with his wife. The church faced new allegations of sexual misconduct, leading Haggard to sell the warehouse housing the church in 2022.

    Has Ted Haggard written any books?

    Yes, Ted Haggard has written several evangelical books throughout his career, including “Primary Purpose,” “Loving Your City into the Kingdom,” and “The Life-Giving Church.” These books reflect his perspectives on ministry and faith.

    What is Ted Haggard’s personal life like?

    Ted Haggard is married to Gayle Alcorn, and they have five children together. Their son, Marcus, has also served as a pastor. In a 2011 interview, Haggard mentioned that he would identify as bisexual if he were younger.

    Why do the net worth estimates for Ted Haggard vary so much?

    There are several factors contributing to the conflicting net worth estimates, including differences in evaluation methods and sources. Fluctuations in Haggard’s income over time, personal spending habits, and economic factors also impact the net worth estimates.

    How did the scandal impact Ted Haggard’s reputation and financial status?

    The scandal involving Ted Haggard’s alleged involvement in illegal activities had a devastating impact on both his reputation and financial status. Prior to the scandal, Haggard held a position of influence and trust within the evangelical community. The scandal shattered his reputation and led to a significant decline in his income, with donations to New Life Church decreasing substantially.

    How has Ted Haggard worked towards redemption?

    Following the scandal, Ted Haggard has focused on assisting individuals struggling with addiction and transgressions. He serves as an example of resilience and growth, illustrating that individuals can recover and make positive contributions to society even after experiencing hardships.
