The Meaning Behind The Song: Sparks Will Fly (Reprise) by Country Dread

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sparks Will Fly (Reprise) by Country Dread

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
Sparks Will Fly (Reprise)Country DreadSick Tape

Song lyrics:

(Hook from J Cole’s Sparks Will Fly)
It may seem like our fire has been a little burnt out, we’re tired
We only need to stay closed in time, sparks will fly


Memba in the time when you was just a little girl
Papa start to telling you that you should hide your curves
But for me it occurs, it’s the reason that I burn
You should see up in my pants, a dragon really spits fire
I wanna make you squealing and singing like birds
I know we’re gonna fly, that’s more of Larry Bird
Bouncing on your back, now your asking me to do that
I know a girl like you, she is, kind of like an autograph
I been walking in the streets, and i know it’s hard to grab
Of a woman to do have, all the qualities you have
The god has blessed you with the sense of humour that you have
You used to make me laugh, when I just wasn’t at
Use to be to me my glass, and i was the seven up
I know I used to fill your cup, that’s that feeling I missed a lot
But if it wasn’t for the love, I guess that we would be together
But since that you take your direction, what has happened there is reason
There is nothing no confliction, i don’t know neither conviction
Yesterday i was talking to God, he said don’t show emotions

The song “Sparks Will Fly (Reprise)” by Country Dread, featured on the album “Sick Tape,” carries a deep meaning that resonates with the struggles and emotions that many people face in their relationships. Although specific details about the writer/composer, release date, genre, and producer are not available, the lyrics themselves offer a glimpse into the heartfelt message being conveyed.

The song begins with a hook borrowed from J Cole’s “Sparks Will Fly,” which sets the tone for the themes of love and resilience. It acknowledges that the flame of passion may have flickered and one might feel tired, but by staying close and giving it time, sparks can reignite.

In the verse, the artist reminisces about a time when their significant other was just a young girl being told to hide her curves by her father. However, the artist confesses that it is the woman’s curves that fuel their desire, comparing it to a dragon spitting fire. The artist wants to make their partner feel elated, comparing it to birds singing, and expresses confidence in their future together, referencing basketball legend Larry Bird.

There is a sense of playfulness and admiration in the artist’s words as they describe their partner’s qualities and sense of humor. The artist recalls the joy that their partner brought to their life, acting as a glass to their seven up, filling them with happiness. However, the artist also acknowledges that their relationship has taken a different direction. The reasons for this change remain ambiguous, and the artist admits to feeling conflicted and uncertain about their current situation.

The artist’s vulnerability is further exposed as they reveal a conversation with God, who advises against showing emotions. This suggests that the artist is grappling with their feelings and is unsure how to proceed. The song ends on this poignant note, leaving the interpretation open to the listener.

Personal Connection

Listening to “Sparks Will Fly (Reprise)” by Country Dread takes me back to a time in my life when relationships were filled with both excitement and uncertainty. The lyrics reflect the rollercoaster of emotions that often accompany love, capturing the highs and lows of a connection that may be on the brink of change.

The artist’s use of vivid imagery, such as comparing their partner’s curves to a fire-breathing dragon, adds a touch of whimsy to the song. It reminds me of the power that love and attraction hold, how they can consume and ignite us with passion.

Additionally, the mention of Larry Bird, a renowned basketball player, adds a layer of sports metaphors to the lyrics. This invokes a sense of determination and teamwork, reminding me of the importance of communication and effort in relationships.

The artist’s vulnerability in acknowledging their emotions and seeking advice from a higher power resonates deeply. It reminds me that relationships are not always straightforward, and sometimes we turn to external sources for guidance when faced with uncertainty.

Overall, “Sparks Will Fly (Reprise)” by Country Dread encapsulates the complexities of love and relationships. Its relatable lyrics and heartfelt delivery make it a song that many can find solace and connection in. Whether you are experiencing the fading of a flame or hoping for sparks to fly once again, this song serves as a reminder that love is a journey filled with ups and downs, and that patience and understanding can lead to a rekindled fire.
