Donna Brazile Net Worth, Salary, Gay, Husband, Age, Wiki, Married, Bio

Donna Brazile’s Bio including her personal information like her Net Worth, Salary, Gay, Husband, Age, Wiki, Married, Height, Ethnicity, Measurements, Feet, Hair, Books, Lesbian Rumors and More.

Donna Brazile is American political consultant, campaign manager, and political analyst. She has always been on the front row for Democratic Party formerly serving as an interim chairperson for the Democratic National Committee.

  • Birthday: July 28, 2016
  • Ethnicity: Mixed (African-American)
  • Nationality: American

In 2000, Donna became the first African American lady who successfully led Al Gore’s presidential campaign. In addition, she was the contributor to a number of Democratic presidential candidates including Jesse Jackson and Dick Gephardt.

Table of Contents

Salary and Annual Income

Her salary has not been revealed yet but no doubts she would be earning a great amount of her career. Brazile, the Democrats campaign manager has elongated her fortunes over millions of dollar.

Since no money comes without hardships and failures, her massive fortune is also the outcome of her hard work and dedication.

Donna Brazile Net Worth – $3 Million Dollars

Donna Brazile is an American author, academic, & political analyst who has a net worth of $3 million dollars.

Professional Career

Brazile is best known as strategist and campaign manager for Democratic candidates. The former head of Democratic National Committee has served different political leaders including Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

Career Timeline:

  • In 90s Donna served Congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton representing District of Columbia as press secretary
  • From 2005-2009, she was a member of the board of directors at Louisiana Recovery Authority.

Donna Brazile got a kick-start to her career when served various advocacy groups in Washington D.C. When equated to the normal teenage, she mostly spent her time as a volunteer to Jimmy Carter-Walter Mondale presidential campaign.

When the political stint was over, she started working for Democratic candidates like Jesse Jackson, Walter Mondale-Geraldine Ferraro and Dick Gephardt during their presidential campaign. Unfortunately, Gephardt lost the primary election to Michael Dukakis after which she was hired by Dukakis to look after the same station she held at Gephardt- deputy field director.

Not long after, Donna was fired from Dukakis campaign when she made a statement against George H.W. Bush ceaseless extramarital rumors which Democratic recanted. Following the departure from the campaign, she landed herself without a job until employed chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute. In 2008, she served as a superdelegate for Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

For weeks in the2011 springtime, Donna was the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, leading the organization in between the switch of Tim Kaine and his inheritor Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was Congresswoman of Florida.

When Donna lost 2000 presidential campaign to George W. Bush with narrow margins, her political stardom was expected to slow down, which was opposite in case. Rather she was appointed to give lectures at the University of Maryland, College Park and later at Georgetown University.

With the fallout of elections, Donna was hired by CNN’s The Situation Room as a political commentator and contributor, where she also did few segments for American Morning and its successor New Day. While she frequently filled in for CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, she also made it to the guest panels of CNN’s Election Night Coverage.

Besides political fame, she is noted for writing illustrious articles and columns for Ms. Magazine and Roll Call. In November 2017, Hachette Books published Brazile’s profit earning book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.

Donna Brazile Height – 5 feet 6 inches

Donna Brazile stands tall with ‎5 feet 6 inches height and is one of the most beautiful Afro-American political strategists.

She has been always appreciated for her roots and her mesmerizing looks.

Brazile is clearly the most beautiful African-American lady in the business. The 58-years-old political strategist has graciously embraced her black skin tone proving that beauty is just a skin deep.

She has forever been admired for her exemplary beauty and true personality.

  • Body type: Average
  • Plastic Surgery: N/A
  • Weight: N/A

What’s more to add her timeless splendor is the astounding lavender hair which completely overshadowed her looks. She mostly appears to spotlight in casual outfits finishing it off with a colored coat.

Dana has always been a fun loving person for all her life. In several occasions, she has shown us her witty side including the one in Democratic National Convention speech where she danced off the stage making all the spectators clap over it.

Donna Brazile Husband and Children

Is Donna Brazile Married? Donna Brazile has kept a very secretive profile which boasts she isn’t married to date. The 58-years-old Donna along with her eight other siblings was raised to be Roman Catholic.

Donna, a Louisiana native was born third of nine kids to parents Lionel Joseph Brazile and Jean Marie. As a child, she developed intent towards politics when a local political candidate guaranteed to construct a playground in the neighborhood.

    • Parents: Lionel Joseph Brazile and Jean Marie
    • Husband: N/A
    • Children: N/A
  • Marital Status: Single

The next few years, Donna was all into her education and she even participated educational program entitled TRIO Upward Bound program. She then attended Louisiana State University graduating with a degree in industrial psychology, followed by Institute of Politics at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Donna’s low key profile suggests that she isn’t married to date. The legendary Democratic strategist has never been linked to any of her co-mates as well as the candidates.

Donna who is very close to her sixties has never publicly urged to have family and kids.
