Charles Bell Obituary, Detroit Michigan, UAW LOCAL 1700, Charles Bell has died


Charles Bell Obituary, Death –

Charles Bell, born on March 12, 1944, to James Rufus Bell and Thelma Bell in Johnston County, bid farewell to this earthly realm on December 28, 2021.

His educational journey unfolded within the corridors of the Johnston County Public School System, where he laid the foundation for his life’s endeavors.

Throughout his professional life, Charles dedicated himself to the roles of custodian and maintenance personnel. He found joy and fulfillment in his work, embracing the tasks of a handyman not only for businesses but also for homes. Culminating his career, he retired from his service at the Velvet Cloak Inn, situated near North Carolina State University campus.

From an early age, Charles found solace in his faith. Baptized in his youth, he found immense joy in discussing the Lord and recounting the blessings bestowed upon him. He was a source of encouragement, urging family and friends to seek solace and guidance through prayer and gratitude.

Television brought Charles immense joy, particularly sports programming. Basketball, football, and tennis held a special place in his heart, with his knowledge of the games akin to that of a seasoned referee—he knew the rules inside and out. Additionally, Charles found delight in singing, fostering a diverse array of interests.

A man of few words, Charles possessed a profound depth when he chose to speak. His utterances carried weight and substance, reflecting a life led with simplicity and tranquility. Material possessions held little sway over him, as he found contentment in life’s uncomplicated pleasures.

In the symphony of his life, Charles was preceded in death by his parents, James Rufus Bell and Thelma Bell, his son, Eureka Williams, and siblings Edward Bell, Annie Laura McNeill, and Lucille Sanders.

Charles Bell’s departure marks the end of a life lived with humility, quiet strength, and an appreciation for life’s simplest joys. He leaves behind memories etched in the hearts of those he touched, a legacy woven with faith, simplicity, and an enduring love for the things that truly mattered in life. As we bid him farewell, may his spirit find eternal peace, and may his memory serve as a cherished beacon of a life well-lived.

