Susan Rice Net Worth - Pulptastic

What is Susan Rice’s net worth and salary?

American diplomat, academic, and public official Susan Rice has a net worth of $40 million. She is most known for her role as the United States National Security Advisor under President Barack Obama.

Rice’s 2011 financial disclosure showed a minimum net worth of $23.5 million and a maximum of $43.5 million. Her investments in commercial banks were worth $8 million, and her investments in oil and gas companies were worth nearly $5 million. In 2008, Rice estimated her net worth to be between $12 and $30 million.

Susan Rice’s Wealth and Controversy

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Susan Rice had a net worth ranging from $23.5 million to $43.5 million in 2009, making her the wealthiest member of the executive branch at the time. Her husband Ian is the source of the family’s wealth.

In 2012, it was revealed that Susan and Ian owned $600,000 worth of stock in TransCanada, a Canadian oil company that owns the controversial Keystone pipeline. They also owned other fossil fuel companies which sparked controversy during Rice’s consideration for Secretary of State.

Susan Rice’s Netflix Board Membership and Stock Holdings

In May 2018, Susan Rice was appointed as a board member of Netflix Inc. for which she receives a base salary of $366,666. As part of her compensation package, she was granted 5,200 shares in the company over her first two years with Netflix. These shares were worth $2.3 million in June 2020, at a price of $450 per share.

In mid-2020, Susan Rice sold approximately 1/4 of her stake in Netflix at an average price of $508 per share. After deducting her strike price, she earned $300,000 from the sales.

Early Life and Education

Susan Rice was born on November 17, 1964, in Washington, D.C. Her parents were educators, and she was raised with a strong sense of social justice and public service. Rice attended Stanford University, where she earned a degree in history in 1986. She then went on to earn a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in international relations from Oxford University.

Early Career in Government Service

Susan Rice began her career in government service after completing her education. She worked in various positions related to foreign policy and national security, including as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company and as a foreign policy advisor to Michael Dukakis’ 1988 presidential campaign.

Rice later served in different roles in the Clinton administration, such as director for international organizations and peacekeeping on the National Security Council and as assistant secretary of state for African Affairs. During her tenure in the State Department, Rice was a vocal advocate for human rights and democracy and played a crucial role in shaping U.S. policy toward Africa.

Susan Rice’s Role as National Security Advisor

In 2013, Rice became the first African American woman to hold the position of National Security Advisor after being appointed by President Obama. As National Security Advisor, her responsibilities included advising the President on matters related to national security and foreign policy.

Rice played a key role in shaping U.S. policy towards various important issues during her tenure, such as the Syrian conflict, the U.S. response to Russian interference in the 2016 election, and the U.S. pivot to Asia. She was also known for her efforts to strengthen U.S. alliances and partnerships around the world.

Susan Rice’s Post-White House Activities

Since leaving the White House in 2017, Susan Rice has remained active in public service and policy. She has been a vocal critic of President Trump’s foreign policy, particularly his approach to Russia and North Korea. Rice has called for a more multilateral approach to global challenges.

Rice has also been involved in various initiatives related to social justice and human rights. She has been a strong advocate for women’s rights and has worked to combat human trafficking and sexual violence.

In addition to her government and public service work, Rice has held positions in academia and the private sector. She has served as a distinguished visiting research fellow at the School of International Service at American University and has held positions at various think tanks and nonprofit organizations.

Marriage and Family

Susan Rice has been married to Canadian businessman Ian O. Cameron since 1990, whom she met while studying at Stanford University. The couple has two children, including their son John David-Rice Cameron, who is the President of the Stanford College Republicans and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump.

The Cameron Family Wealth

Ian O. Cameron comes from a very wealthy family. His father, Newton Cameron, founded the Victoria Plywood Company in 1950 after returning from World War 2. Under his leadership, the company grew to become one of the largest producers of lumber on the west coast of North America before it was sold in 1980.

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